COM Activity Insight Basics Part 3 Follow-Up (AIB3-540)

04/15/2025 - 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM

Campus: OUHSC

Location: Bird Library PC Lab 380D

Instructor: Trista Hoehne

Workshop Description:

This session builds on Activity Insight skills by discussing trainees’ specific questions regarding the faculty curriculum vitaes.

Who should attend:

  • College of Medicine Department Liaisons (designated staff who will serve as local Activity Insight advisors for their departments)
  • College of Medicine Department Proxies (users who will enter data on behalf of individual faculty members)

Course Requirements:

  • Attendees should be approved Activity Insight users.  All College of Medicine faculty and designated staff have been created as users in the system.  Upon registration for this course, attendees will receive an email with login information to confirm their Activity Insight accounts.
  • Attendees must be on the Zoom call through a computer and keep their camera on. This training does not work well for attendees on their phone.
  • Attendees must have completed College of Medicine Activity Insight Basics Parts 1 & 2.

Trista Gipson Hoehne, MS
COM Office of the Dean
(405) 271-2265

: Open
: 20
Enrollment Ends: 04/14/2025

Other Section Dates

Date Campus
05/20/2025 10:00 AM OUHSC